Hai Everyone..:-)

Posted: October 22, 2010 in Uncategorized

I have changed my blog..now you can visit in yaniyaaku.blogspot.com..
I’m waiting for your coming guys..
Thank you..
keep spirit ya..^_^

Posted: October 19, 2010 in sharing..^_^

Humanistic Studies
Jakarta, 19th October 2010

satu ikatan merajut kebersamaan dalam perbedaan..
identitas dan kebudayaan..
latar belakang dan mungkin sejarah hidup yang berbeda
disatukan dibawah rasa cinta dan toleransi
membentuk kesempurnaan atas perbedaan
bersama dalam suka berbagi air mata..
memandang bukan dengan sebelah mata
karena kita hidup..
berpijak di bumi yang sama….


banyak hal yang saya dapat di kelas Humanistic Studies. belajar tentang multicultural on oueselves

“Identitas dan kebudayaan”
sebuah identitas terkecil yaitu “nama”. hadiah teristimewa dari orang tua untuk kita, yang didalamnya terdapat harapan, doa, dan arti yang bermakna. jasad mungkin bisa rapuh namun nama tak akan rapuh dalam ingatan.
kebudayaan adalah hasil karya sekelompok masyarakat yang berawal dari kebiasaan yang didalamnya terdapat kepercayaan, norma dan kebutuhan yang diwariskan secara turun temurun.

Identitas dan kebudayaan itu beraneka ragam, menjadi sebuah ciri khas setiap orang atau kelompok masyarakat.
berbeda memang? tapi saya yakin semua perbedaan itu mempunyai satu tujuan yaitu tentang kebaikan..

“hidup ini tak hanya sekedar bergantinya siang dan malam, banyak cabang-cabang kehidupan yang mengajari kita banyak hal.. begitupun sebuah pandangan.. kenapa hanya melihat seseorang dari satu sudut pandang..jika banyak arah lain yang harus kita lihat dari suatu identitas dan kebudayaan.

by: Yani
Jakarta, 11st October 2010

What is your views about those pictures?
Do you realize about the technologies’ development?

Do you remember when we will send massages to keep in touch with our families, or friends????

(picture, http://www.google.com)

Are you familiar with them?
They are very popular in this era, aren’t they!
How about some years later?
Are they still popular, or maybe there will be some new technologies?

Technologies develop very fast, we are as “digital native” have to know and utilize them as well as possible. According to Wikipedia A digital native is a person who was born after the general implementation of digital technology, and as a result, has a familiarity with digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones and MP3s over their whole lives. How about “digital immigrant”. A digital immigrant is an individual who was born before the existence of digital technology and adopted it to some extent later. However they have to aware with technologies.
So, which one are you in?
I am a teacher candidate and I will teach my students in 4 years later. I’m a digital native and I have to explore more about using technologies in teaching and learning. Wow how about my students in the future? I believe that technologies will be more advance. It is impossible that my students can be more expect to use technologies than me, Isn’t it!

Posted: October 2, 2010 in sharing..^_^

Jakarta, 2nd October 2010

in Technology and language learning course, I watched a video n read the article about using technology in teaching. it’s right that technology is very important in this era. technology can helps both of teachers and students to create an interesting atmosphere in classroom. however do we realize that there are still many schools that do not use technology? The students have not been introduced about technology in their learning at schools.
Based on my experience, unfortunately, from elementary till senior high school, i have not found yet a teacher that used technology in his/her teaching. even though in ICT lesson, we just studied about the theory and just got opportunity to use computers twice a month, and one computer for 2 or 3 students. that happened because the limited of facilitates.
Can you imagine it? do just teachers and students in big cities that can apply their teaching and learning by using technologies? how about the schools in villages that get the less attention from government? I believe that there are still “yani yani yang lain” that do not have opportunities to use technologies such as computer in their schools.
So, by this blog,… I hope we can share to give the best solution……^_^

Posted: October 2, 2010 in sharing..^_^

in this blog, I want to share about my reflective and vent journal about everything for education..^_^

Hello world!

Posted: September 29, 2010 in sharing..^_^

hi everyone…,,,i’m a new comer..,,
for the first time, it’s difficult to operate wordpress,,..however i have to try and show my best..^_^